70% of Americans have their tap water supply fluoridated, with the stated intent of preventing tooth decay. “Water fluoridation in the United States is a contentious issue”, begins the Wikipedia article for water fluoridation (lol). Grand Rapids, Michigan was the first community to begin fluoridation in 1945, and just over five years later, it became an official US government policy. By 1999, the CDC had declared water fluoridation one of the top 10 public health interventions of the 20th century.
Fluoridation as a practice was discovered as a by-product of skeletal fluorosis, where high consumption of natural sources of fluoride (such as one’s water supply) had a side-effect of cavity-free teeth, but at a cost — high fluoride generally weakened the teeth, leaving them soft, streaked, and translucent, often to an alarming degree. The architects of fluoridation thought that a tradeoff could be achieved, avoiding skeletal fluorosis while preventing cavities.
My teeth show signs of mild fluorosis. They are slightly translucent, probably from my Bay Area childhood water supply, multiple fluoride tray treatments at dentist appointments (the nasty orange flavored foam), and using fluoridated toothpaste from an early age. I’ve noticed most of us in adulthood have some degree of dental fluorosis, so the supposed trade-off has not been achieved. Once I reached young adulthood and fell into the natural health scene, I quickly dropped fluoridated toothpaste for good, and began drinking filtered water almost exclusively.
There are three main forms of fluoride added to the water supply: sodium fluoride, sodium fluorosilicate, and fluorosilicic acid. Calcium fluoride is generally found in nature — water, food, tea leaves, etc.
One of the most confusing aspects of the debate surrounding fluoride is the form of fluoride used. Sodium fluorosilicate and fluorosilicic acid are byproducts of the fertilizer industry, and have become the main source of fluoride added to water supply due to cost. Concerns around contamination from heavy metals is a concern, but the fluoridatooors assure us it is within reasonable limits set by the CDC and EPA agencies. Sodium fluoride was the original “pharmaceutical grade” form added to the water supply in the 40’s and 50’s, but was abandoned due to cost.
Some naturopath-inclined sources are distinctly against fluoridation of the water supply, but hand-wave away natural fluoride (calcium fluoride) as fine, benign, and unavoidable. Tea is a concentrated source of fluoride, and some teas (usually more mature teas) are much higher than others. Tea has a long reputation as a longevity tonic, is associated with multiple spiritual traditions throughout the world, and has an impressive list of health benefits, backed by a large body of scientific work. Also, tea is usually consumed consensually by the drinker, rather than forced on them by a governmental body.
Anti-Fluoride Movement
Still, I don’t want to dismiss all concerns about natural fluoride, and I think those that only concern themselves with municipal fluoride are perhaps missing something important.
Many studies have been performed on high-fluoride water levels, often occurring naturally. Two Harvard meta-analyses have both shown that high levels of fluoride in drinking water are associated with a significant drop in IQ scores. This has allowed the respected/credentialed class to begin to question water fluoridation, something more independent thinkers have been doing since the practice’s inception. It also implies we should be consuming filtered water as a general practice for humanity, and create this reality for every human on earth.
As we’ve mentioned on the podcast, we’re really not the IQ-obsessed types — but things that lower it consistently across populations are probably bad! These cognitive-lowering effects certainly compound over time, across generations, and should be avoided as a general rule. Also, I’m certain that the “IQ effect” seen in fluoride studies is part of a matrix of generalized effects on the human organism on multiple levels. There appears to be a direct link between fluoride over-exposure and decay of human spiritual faculties — more on that later.
My recent piece about politics and health referenced Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s denouncement of the Democratic Party as the anti-health party:
RFK is a major reason for the surge of popularity in once-ignored alternative health hypotheses, so much so that guests on MSNBC and CNN are openly questioning the childhood vaccine schedule. After Trump’s electoral victory, RFK announced that removing fluoride from the water supply would be a top policy for the Trump administration.
As I’ve made clear multiple times, I’m far from sold on the degree to which concrete change will occur with this administration. We’re up against deeply entrenched establishment institutions, and a whole population of brainwashed (fluoride?) voters who are already freaking out about water being pure and chemical/medication free again. The response to RFK’s fluoride plan has been nothing short of stunning — liberals concerned that the world will come to an end if water fluoridation is ceased. Keep in mind, the only stated benefit of the practice is supposedly preventing tooth decay. I can somewhat understand vaccine proponents concerned over waning vaccination rates, because they truly believe kids will die if they don’t get a measles shot. No one thinks fluoride is saving lives or doing anything uniquely special when added to our water supply. It’s already in every mass-market toothpaste brand, given at every dental check-up, and water is a horrible delivery mechanism to systemically treat teeth. Spare me your outrage.
As a quick aside, I’d like to point out that fluoride is completely unnecessary for avoiding tooth decay. Hydroxyapatite, the actual bio-identical substance that remineralizes enamel, appears to be superior in every way to fluoride in protecting teech. Glen pilled me on this, I know he’s a big fan of Risewell brand toothpaste. We’ve been using David’s nano-hydroxyapatite brand in our home. For years, I just used hippy fluoride-free brands with questionable results — although I suffered no serious dental consequences either, probably because my diet and mineral intake improved so much.
However, once switching to hydroxyapatite toothpastes, my teeth are stronger than they’ve ever been. It’s a distinctly different vibe than a fluoride-based clean. Again, fluoride weakens teeth in excess, and almost everyone alive today shows signs of dental fluorosis! In other words, it appears we’re all getting excess fluoride. Keep in mind that fluoride is not considered an essential mineral — you could go your whole life without it and thrive.
Pineal Gland, Third Eye, Spirituality, etc.
The normies are awakening to the fact that fluoride is a neurotoxin. A pregnant mother exposed to accepted fluoride levels will produce children with a 5 IQ point deficit, on average, when tested at age four. Every mother wants their kid to be dumber, and they’re always bragging about their child’s intellectual deficits, everyone knows this!
A common RC axiom is that “the hippies are always 20-50 years ahead”, and fluoride is no exception to the rule. Hippies have been against fluoride in general for decades, much longer than I have been in the scene. How did they know what Harvard would discover in the 2010s so conclusively? It truly is stunning how ahead of the curve naturopathic medicine communities are. I believe this is another example of decentralized free thinking producing the best results with respect to “sense-making”.
The pineal gland in the brain was called the “seat of the soul” by René Descartes in the 17th century. He noted that it was the only unpaired aspect of the brain. Descartes was far from a lone voice on the matter — countless disparate and unconnected cultures reached the same conclusion, including the ancient Egytptians, who modeled the Eye of Horus after a cross section of the pineal gland.
Modern esoteric culture sees the pineal gland as the third eye, connected with intuition, psi phenomena, spiritual progress, and general well-being. Awakening the third eye is seen as an amorphous goal to be accomplished, through certain spiritual practices.
Scientifically, the pineal gland is responsible for melatonin regulation and circadian rhythm management. Of course, modern science won’t touch a connection as silly as the “soul”, that would be embarrassing. Instead, they let the hippies rant and opine on such connections. One such connection the hippies made, supposedly out of thin air, is that excess fluoride is a primary culprit in the calcification of the pineal gland.
As it turns out, modern science has indeed discovered that fluoride is attracted to the pineal gland like a magnet, and a lifetime of exposure results in a fluoride-infested brain. Fluoride is attracted to the pineal gland even more than it is to the bones and teeth.
So, we have a part of our brain that is widely associate with spiritual well-being, awareness, and intuition. We have a set “fluoride culture”, exposing us multiple times a day, including without our explicit consent through the water supply. And we have direct evidence that this part of our brain is damaged by this mineral. But RFK is the crazy one…
Luckily, fluoride can be excreted from the body with vigor. I used to roll my eyes at '“pineal gland decalcification” protocols, even as a hippy non-materialist. Lately, I’ve been more inspired to take these protocols more seriously, in part due to my daily remote viewing practices, and also because of the resurgence of anti-fluoride sentiment in the cultural zeitgeist. There are endless methods, supplements, herbs, and whatnot to supposedly accelerate the process. Potent ones I’ve found include turmeric, boron, and iodine supplementation — iodine, like fluorine and chlorine, is a halogen (far right side of the periodic table of elements). We live in an epidemic of iodine-deficiency related diseases, partially because we’re assaulted with non-iodine halogens that are deleterious to our health. More-than-sufficient iodine can buffer this issue.
However, I’d like to focus on one herb in particular that seems to be a superstar at removing fluoride from the body — tamarind.
Tamarind is a strange tropical fruit-pod-seed thing, sweet-sour in taste, used in candies and is the main flavor in Pad Thai sauce. There is one study in particular that showed a relatively massive exodus of fluoride through the urine, when tamarind (10 grams a day) was added to the diet of boys drinking non-fluoridated water. This means that the fluoride was being pulled from their tissues and excreted. Oh, and the tamarind seemed to lower excretion of healthy minerals as well, like zinc and magnesium.
(Following BRP tradition, I won’t be linking to the study. Perhaps I’m making it up)
Tamarind is quite affordable and easy to find. You can start pulling fluoride from your bones and brain today, for pennies a day. Many have reported anecdotal improvements in deep sleep due to the melatonin connection, to say nothing of the spiritual awakenings possible with a low-fluoride body. Tamarind can surely be a buffer for natural fluoride exposure, as well. Do your own research!
We’re going to urinate and flush our fluoride out with the same passion that we flush the propaganda from our lives, damn it! We can reject fluoridated water supplies on principle, we don’t need science to say “stop drugging me” — besides, all the fluoride proponents are ignoring the science on their own issue. We need never trust them again, lest they earn it back.
Godspeed, RFK
To your Health!
Unrelated comment to suggest y'all watch and review the documentary 'Following Sean'. The overlapping themes of hippiedom, California/Bay Area, political contemplation, etc made me think of you guys. Check it out, if you haven't already. Peace.