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Been meaning to read Dostoyevsky, and haven’t gotten to it. Looking forward to it, and I may try to get to some soon. I had read A Clockwork Orange like 2 years ago and really liked the book. Same author has another one about homosexuals taking over the police that I have to read lol

Just finished Spring Snow, and I really like Mishima- know you guys like Zach and Jacks stuff- thought it was a good read on living for passion and fleeting beauty. Want to read confessions of a mask next (was struck by the picture of him recreating the agony of saint sebastian). Also finished Franny and Zoey by Salinger- my wife showed it to me- short and sweet little novella radiating christ like love. Reading Hadji Murat (tolstoy) right now on a friend’s recommendation and I’m really impressed! It’s also only like 100 pages, so if you have a gap!

Hope to line up some of these titles with my own schedule! Happy reading fellas!

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